Bernie Sanders Begins Push for His ‘Medicare for All’ Bill

Bernie Sanders is currently planning to introduce his medicare for all bill in September, and as a result, he’s ramping up his campaign for single-payer in an effort to generate excitement for his bill. In an op-ed for Forbes, he discussed how single-payer would help small- and medium-sized businesses—and his argument was fantastic!

Bernie Sanders: Medicare for All is Good for Business:

Sanders to Introduce Single-Payer Bill in September:

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Bernie Sanders Begins Push for His 'Medicare for All' Bill

29 thoughts on “Bernie Sanders Begins Push for His ‘Medicare for All’ Bill

  1. Tell your congressperson to support Bernie Sanders in the fight for Medicare for all. Call (202)225-3121 and ask them to connect you to your congressperson.

  2. Anyone in the Senate that isn’t on board with medicare for all better be prepared to look for another job, because the american people are coming after your Senate seats. So you better get with the program or else.

    • Dave Miller actually red states typically oppose single payer, and red states almost entirely receive more federal funds than they pay in taxes.

    • I live in a free democratic country, with a good standard of living and single payer health care – it works! Have to keep the money scum out of it though.

  3. There’s another dimension to Bernie’s strategy that is also pretty brilliant. He’s using the buzz about his 2020 prospects to draw attention to himself and then pivoting that to Medicare for All. That, and to increase the value of his endorsement are why he’s acting like a POTUS candidate now.

    Just watch- he will go on Hardball, and Chris Mathews will be all hyped and yammering about the 2020 “money primary” and Bernie will string him along the whole time. “Now, Chris this isn’t about me, we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it, right now we’re trying to get Medicare for All.” We will see this song and dance a lot in the next two months. Bernie is much more shrewd and effective than most people realize. It’s just that he plays the long game, and that can be hard to observe.

  4. Smart people are skeptical while dumb people are full of confidence. The house is still confident it can repeal the Affordable Care Act.

  5. The Democrats in Congress who still haven’t cosponsored HR676 frequently use the excuse that it will never pass now, and we need to defend the ACA, so why bother? However, thanks to their refusal, we now know where they really stand and what needs to be done with them. So even though this bill has a snowball’s chance in hell, it will still serve a very useful purpose in that we’ll know exactly which (additional) Senate Democrats need to be loaded into a catapult aimed at the sun.

  6. Finally. I know I had nothing to do with this, but I have been saying this to my friends for a long time now. If you like small business and entrepreneurs, then remove some of the barriers of entry for them. It is easier to just pull out some money for taxes rather than fight healthcare companies for the best rates every time the contract expires. Instead this allows for people to focus on their startup companies / small businesses like they need to.

  7. Bernie Sanders, please run in 2020. Not just for the good of the American people, but for the good of the entire world.

  8. He’s speaking to Republicans. The Democrats have made their positions clear. But those arguments that he chose are going to appeal to conservatives. He needs to get in to Trump’s office now. #NeverDem

    • Cristy Brown He needs to mention to
      Trump all the times that Trump has shown support for single payer including recently when he praised Australia’s healthcare system after “Trumpcare” passed the house.

    • Yes, Trump is Bernie’s best hope. You know Trump is surrounded by people telling him we’ll never be able to afford it but Bernie has the Math. Trump must be shown why we can’t afford NOT to have single payer. Trump responds to reason. The Democrats don’t.

    • Don’t let Bernie do all the work for you LAZY AMERICANS. write letter, make phone call, share the msg, just do something more than just saying go Bernie …………

  9. The business case for single-payer is well known and is probably the most effective argument for it since, let’s face it, most people don’t care about the moral argument, especially the business community.

  10. I was really happy to see Bernie trying to get support this way. A couple of weeks ago he sent out an email asking for ideas to educate ppl and combat talking points against single payer and i suggested a few of these things myself.must have been a popular suggestion i guess. lol. if you can’t appeal to ppl’s hearts you have to appeal to their wallet. unfortunate you can win them over just bc it’s right but what can you do.

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