Bernie BRILLIANTLY Breaks Down Medicare For All On Fox News!

As Republicans struggle to agree on a replacement for the Affordable Care Act, the Commonwealth Fund has rated the U.S. health care system as the worst among the 11 developed nations it analyzed as part of an evaluation conducted every three years. The think tank also rated the U.S. health care system as the worst-performing of the nations analyzed when the last evaluation was released in 2014…

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Bernie BRILLIANTLY Breaks Down Medicare For All On Fox News!

87 thoughts on “Bernie BRILLIANTLY Breaks Down Medicare For All On Fox News!

    • +Anne Bergeron
      what are you talking about? I’m ok with EX cons voting. Ex prisoners should have the right to vote. It makes no sense for someone who did his time AND HAS TO PAY TAXES to be denied the right to vote. I’m not referring to that. (Also, I’m NOT a “Republican”, by the way.) I’m referring (not to get it confused or conflated), to CURRENT INMATES in prison having the right to vote. That I don’t know about. Regardless of where they lean politically. (Politics and voting are BS anyway.) Some inmates LEAN RIGHT-WING BIG TIME….and pro-gun etc etc. (I’m not) But even if most convicts (current and ex) lean Democrat, I don’t care about that. But what you, Anne, are not getting is that LEFTIES LIKE BERNIE SANDERS do care about that. Another big voting block would suit them just fine. Which I don’t mind about EX convicts. But current convicts? And also not for illegal aliens (or even legal aliens, who were LET IN by lefty politics), or their anchor babies.

    • +The Teacher I was with you and agreed with you up to the illegal immigrant and racist ,hateful talk.You have revealed yourself in those comments.

    • +Anne Bergeron
      what you call “racist hateful talk” is JUST FACTUAL TALK because Democrats WANT OPEN BORDERS not because they really care that much about immigrants, but mainly to get the votes. And “anchor babies” is NOT a racist term, but an OFFENSIVE but warranted term because ILLEGALLY ENTERING and DROPPING BABIES TO MAKE IT HARDER TO BE DEPORTED is VERY OFFENSIVE IN THE FIRST PLACE, and Irish and Polish and Russians have done it too. So it’s not “racist”…but general, you silly drone-tard. You’re easily and stupidly TRIGGERED. And the fact is this: Open borders because corporations want the cheap labor, and Democrats want the votes. Even MSNBC’s CHRIS MATTHEWS said those exact words. And sorry, the term “anchor baby” is NOT “racist”, but just WHAT ACTUALLY IS HAPPENING. And I refer to them OF ANY RACE OR NATIONALITY that does it. I call Irish babies who were dropped from illegals “anchor babies” that make it HARDER for the mother to be deported, thus “anchored” to the USA…because of this imaginary “birthright citizenship” myth (cuz people don’t understand that the Constitution was talking about BLACK SLAVES, not anchor babies). Abusing the laws to GET AROUND deportation. You’re obviously a triggered SJW braindead lib-tard loser, who thinks that BLUNT TRUTH-TELLING is “bigotry” or “racism”. Facts offend flops like you, which is why it’s impossible to talk to or reason with hard-core arrogant fact-free lefty-tards.

    • You stupid liberals let the Mexicans use our hospitals. and tthere cost is past on to amercan citizens who pay taxes

    • Selfish Ann to sorry and lazy to work at a factory 50 hrs a week because she has to get layed on the weekends and drink and party!!!

    • +Anne Bergeron Bernie Sanders wants murderers, rapists, child molesters, and terrorists to vote from prison. Please bother to listen what he says before posting comments.

    • +Douglas Langley Polly Klaas will never be able to vote in an election because she’s dead. The man who raped and murdered her when she was 12yo will be able to vote in elections for the rest of his life if Bernie Sanders has his way (California will not execute him, though he was sentenced to death in 1996). His and your views on this matter are very enlightening as to the direction progressives and the Democratic Party want to take the United States in the coming years and decades.

    • i´m rly starting to think that fox news is this stupid on purpose because they want healthcare for all but don´t wanna admit it 😀

    • “The Questioner, who sits so sly, Shall never know how to Reply.”
      — “Auguries of Innocence” by William Blake

    • polka Bernie has real info with real facts and when the female Fox host had a question, Bernie was very insistent that he get back to her question with an answer… I don’t feel as negative or strongly about these Fox hosts as Kyle does. I thought they really wanted people to hear what Bernie had to say and Brett looked like he may have abandoned his negative talking points more than being unprepared… Maybe this is wishful thinking on my part, but I keep watching this Town Hall on different channels and I get the same impression… I agree with Kyle, Bernie will destroy Tr*mp. He’s too smart and calm for Tr*mp to f*ck with him… I hope he makes it past the primaries…. I’m not religious and I pray he makes it as the Democratic candidate…

    • This comment is a gem.
      The lack of appreciation and disgraceful disrespect is killing a lot of our good efforts.
      Libs are noted for their lack of appreciation and disdain for the word
      “Thank you”..(You will note Kyle is a major offender)

      Although conservatives consistently give thanks to God, and their fellow human beings, we are not nearly as appreciative, thankful and life affirming as we need to be in the political arena.

    • For real. Why don’t politicians understand this? Or maybe they know that they don’t support the policies the people want…

    • I am a Trump voter, and I support the idea of Medicare for all, but I have no faith that it will be implemented properly. If we just keep paying the high COSTS of care, with tax dollars instead of premiums, nothing will change. 5 Trillion dollars over 10 years of supposed efficiency (conjecture)… who cares. That is what I call a NOTHING BURGER.

      No, in order to REDUCE THE COST, we must RATION healthcare. Yes, “Death Panels”. We can’t just let anyone see any doctor for any reason and cut them a blank check from the government. It will be a hayday, a run on healthcare. We need to stop old sick broke people from LIVING in the hospitals their last 2 years of life, which accounts for FIFTY PERCENT of all healthcare costs.

      I want FITNESS testing, overhaul to the food system via junk food taxes, and on and on. You can’t have a free society AND have a blank check healthcare system. What about idiots who are more risky, and get hurt a lot? People who smoke? People who eat junk food?

      See how the slipery the slope is?

      So, someone who supports this medicare for all, what do you say to that?

  1. Trump went after Bernie on Twitter after this, and it shows that he is insecure and scared, because he knows this is the man who will end his career.

    • $1.5 TRILLION stolen from America and hidden off shore TAX FREE FAKE INCOME made off of bombing children. Hang at a Nuremberg setting.

    • … put him in the jail more like.

      The police will be waiting to put the handcuffs on as soon as Trump walks through the gates of the Whitehouse for the last time next year.

      “Donald Trump, I am arresting you on suspicion of Fraud, Tax Fraud, Lewd Acts, Solicitation, Sexual Assault, Voyeurism, Insider Dealing, War Crimes and High Treason … you do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defence if you fail to disclose something that you later rely on in court. Do you understand?”

    • polka and i bet he’ll brag about being for it too. wouldn’t surprise me if he were to pretend that he was in favor of it all along. i mean he was on that side of the issue at one point so it wouldn’t be that easy to lie about, even if people who’ve been aware of his policy history will see through his bullshit.

      he might even cut healthcare again while he says this. that’s the level he’s playing at.

  2. “This audience has a lot of Democrats in it.”

    Suuuuuure bud. There may be a few but who are they kidding. This is panel run by Fox.

    • +Flash Gordon watch the whole town hall for yourself, I remember one of the concerns an audience member raised was really specific to the left in regards to the democratic party and just didnt make sense for a conservative to be concerned with (also the rust belt is filled with a mix of republicans, democrats, and independents; there’s a reason why all those states are considered PURPLE rather than blue/red)

    • +Dust514rocks the point is Who watches fox news? Even if there weren’t many conservatives, the views at home are mostly conservative so they DEFINITELY saw this and got exposed to left wing ideas.

    • The fact he NEEDED to preface that before responding to Bernie, says he was trying to ensure the network, it’s viewers, and it’s primary audience of ONE (during ‘executive’ prime time) that they had a lid on this.

      The other fact that Inghram, Hannity and Tuckstain wasn’t moderating means they needed a special ‘scripted’ response hours after the fact.

      Bernie rolled those bots!

  3. My dad has been watching Fox News for decades and he’d only hear the Republican caricature of the left. When they did the town hall, Bernie Sanders was in my living room explaining exactly how he’d help people. This is a lesson in why you shouldn’t isolate yourself: you need to burst their propaganda bubble.

  4. I think the Fox hosts were pretty gracious, to be honest. They let Bernie tell his side at least, and weren’t dismissive and sneering like CNN and MSNBC.

    • True, despite trying to smear him at times, they were fair to him. They didn’t attack his character though, and they even gave him a closing statement at the end. Also, there were no plants asking questions, like we know for sure would happen on every other network.

    • +Doug Townsend Colbert SHOULD make fun of everybody. That’s his job! It must be tiring trying to make good jokes about Trump and his administration when the whole mess is already one big joke. Having someone else to make jokes about has got to be a relief. Personally, I hope we hear a lot more of Colbert’s Bernie voice in the future.

    • +Chris M I hear you Chris , I probably over compensate , for the attitude of, so when are you going to quit Bernie , in 2016 . Colbert’s will surprise us , I’m sure . Hey Chris thanks for stopping me going Alex Jones on ya. cheers

    • I wish that were the case, but really consider how zombiefied the minds of their audience are. No amount of debunking will prevent the hosts from using that talking point, because no amount of debunking will prevent idiots from believing it.

  5. If Bernie is allowed to win the Pres Primary, he will “landside donald trump. Write it in stone”
    YESSSSSS. Bernie 2020

  6. Bernie basically walked into a lions den, and walked out with a couple of manes around his arm and an army of cubs behind his back.

  7. Bernie : “Medicare for all”
    Fox Audience : *Applauds*
    Fox Host : “Wow so many democrats”
    Yeah dude, a republican can’t possibly like the idea of everyone getting care. smh

    • Also as if you are born as a democrat or republican. You could also have 100% republicans in the room who leave as democratic socialists.

    • +Marie H It has nothing to do with open-mindedness or anything else. It’s simple math. It isn’t sustainable. How will you pay for it? How will you keep paying for it when you find out it cost much more than originally promised?

    • +Marie H Well that is because all they hear is taxes, the government is taking my money and giving it to the ones who do not work. The word tax is not always the dirty word that everyone thinks it is, I would pay more in taxes if I know I do not have to pay more out of pocket in medical bills. Which should also leave the person with more money in the pockets in the long run, which mean more consumers buying other products and companys being able to pay more in salary and products could be cheaper.

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