Thom Hartmann talks with Professor Gerald Friedman, Professor of Economics- University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Website:, who wrote, "Funding HR 676: The Expanded and Improved Medicare for All Act — How we can afford a national single-payer health plan." ,a proposal Bernie Sanders submitted to Congress a few years ago.
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Will Bernie succeed in nipping the lies in the bud on Sunday’s debate? This
is infuriating.
+Omy -Bernie Sanders 2016 I would imagine that’s what they’ll do. We need
to take to the various social media channels with this.
Privatization has never provided a better product or service for a lesser
price. Just never happens.
+Pat Hacker Maybe.. Although all I can afford is private care out of my
pocket- as the rest is beyond ridiculous..
porter ranch California they have to pay for there own medical. so do the
people of the gulf. so do the people of flint. the people are subsidizing
the rich.
+Russell Doyle and it’s bullshit! They privatize the profits and socialize
the fucking losses!
It does not matter how effective a government program is. K0CHsuckers HATE
GOVERNMENT. They want to destroy it.
So quit trying to reason with them. Even if healthcare were magically free
they would hate it because of government.
Hillary has 2.8 million reason to be against single payer that’s how much
money the insurance industry have paid her for her soul which as it turned
out was for sale.
Bernie Sanders Plan on Medicare For All
MFA Plan Details
Don’t forget commissions to insurance agents. They get a piece of every
insurance policy. This won’t exist in a single-payer system.
+john olmos Insurance companies have insurance agents (sales), claims and
billing specialists (customer service), underwriter staff (approve
applications), marketing staff (sales), legal (lawsuit defense), and
executive staff.
Essentially only the claims, billing, and some limited marketing staff
would have significant use in a government run system.
Insurance agents, underwriter staff, and most legal and high paid executive
jobs would go away. And with economy of scales and automation, there
wouldn’t need to be as many of those either. Currently there is a complex
set of national and state level regulations that insurance companies must
navigate with specialized staff. Much of that would disappear as well.
They would still exist they would just become government employees. Their
roles would change as well. Someone needs to administrate and answer
patient phone calls to medicare. They wouldn’t be able to inflate their
income either, Some health administrators and hospital CEOs make $500,000 a
year. They cut cost cost by hiring midlevels like PA-C and Nurse
practitioners instead of actual physicians too. I would like to see a
doctor and have them well compensated, rather then midlevels encroaching
and admins taking advantage.
In the late 80’s I had a S.Friedman as a Math teacher @ Amherst Jr High.
Time does fly by.
Thank You for putting this up! I have been telling people for weeks that
economists back Bernies Plan and this guy lays it out!
Like the Dylan line; “the insurance men are chasing us down, desolation
road”.When the People let subsidize their health care to private
corporations, that is just one more example of the corporate model :
socialize the losses and privatize the profits.Any member of congress that
doesn’t support single-payer are being subsidized by the insurance
Hillary will eventually support it, she has no integrity she’s all over the
+Illusive She will say SAY she does.
Attack the debt before you start making massive bills on freaking
healthcare and other ridiculous social programs
Help me take action. Please sign and share my petition to Senator Elizabeth
Good onw
Medicare for all = fairytale economics.
Sorry, but debt matters Libtards.