American Doctors Want Medicare for All

Doctors in America are tired of arguing with insurance companies and seeing their patients denied coverage. They want Medicare for All.

American Doctors Want Medicare for All

56 thoughts on “American Doctors Want Medicare for All

    • Loser I pay more than you make in taxes. go build your own damn country . Get out . Your hate is not welcome here in my country and pride

    • Bust is right! If elected he will bankrupt the federal government, destroy jobs, and cause a huge recession for healthcare workers.

    • As a worker in the medical industry I see how much these drs do out of pocket for there patients . The issuance companies get paid way to much and charge to much . Go check out the breakdown of where your payments go. its not to us lol

    • +Harry Mann Jr fact check your statements. First off, he was a conscientious objector to the Vietnam war to begin with because he was actively protesting against that war. Unlike Trump who had a doctor fake a disability for him. But even still, Sanders was eligible for student deferments until at least 1964, when he graduated from the University of Chicago.  By the time his number came up, Sanders was too old to be drafted anyway. Google your information, don’t just go off of what fox news and your Facebook groups tell you.
      Apart from the fact that Bernie Sanders was honored with the Veterans of Foreign Wars prestigious Congressional Award. At a ceremony in the Senate’s Kennedy Caucus Room, Sanders was honored for his eight years of service on the Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, including his time as the panel’s chairman during the last session of Congress. He remains a senior member of the committee.

  1. Americans have no idea how bad they are getting ripped off in terms of health insurance. If they did, there would be a revolution. Medicare for all is not only more ethical and effective, it’s more economically efficient as well.

  2. It drives me mental a country like the US doesn’t have universal health care! Hope America will wake up one day.

    • +Nick F From what I have heard the democratic socialism people are advocating for is the same as social democracy. Medicare for example is a socialist program. We have a mixed economy. Our problem currently is we have to pure a form of capitalism without any regulations or not enough anyway. Thats why we have the greatest amount of income inequality since the gilded age. Social democracy blends capitalism and socialism. Norway and Sweden are socialist countries. Also some of those countries are the most innovative in the world. Sometimes I hear people say they aren’t but based on my research that’s just not true. Also it doesn’t matter what your opinion is the facts are are that there are indeed different kinds of socialism. Just look it up on something called google. No one is suggesting Soviet Union style communist and no one thinks thats a good idea.

    • +Nick F I don’t have time for that. If you want you can write a short paragraph but I’m not wasting 20min on that it’ll probably be a total waste of time

    • Australia has universal healthcare, it used to be single payer, it’s still now universal and compulsory for everyone but there is now a market for private health insurance (as of the 90’s, conservatives couldn’t help themselves) a Deloitte review (who are pro conservative) even found that private health in Australia has increased waiting times for everyone and done nothing to spur investment in research and medical innovation, our medical breakthroughs have come by properly funding our research institutions, universities and CSIRO (Commonwealth Science Industry Reasrch Organisation) doctors here prefer the public system too greater job security, they focus solely on the medical care of their patients. Up until recently we also used to heavily incentivise medical professionals who operate under the public system and bulk billing. We’ve attracted some pretty world renowned medical professionals since Medicare for all.

    • God bless america america love it or leave it you stupid moron again. Go to Trumps page and have the life sucked out of you. Negative bastard

    • This doctor wants to enslave Ben Shapiro’s wife…LULZ The Koch brothers funded propaganda parrots are going to lose their freaking minds over this video…LULZ

  3. Vote for Bernie but don’t just vote, stand behind him and be willing to go out in the streets and stop the rich and corrupt. Now is the time!

    • God bless america america love it or leave it Hey Trump JR. Go breastfeed for a couple more years, then come back with more intelligence and join the discussion.

    • +Abolish the liberals america love it or leave it hahaha you are the type of idiots we are trying to fight against and don’t worry we will take you out, like it or not you neo nazi

    • +Abolish the liberals america love it or leave it hey… Gas prices would go down if we started using hemp for biofuel. Wake up pal

  4. YES, they do, and so do we ! Our largest Nurses Association in our nation and over 2,000 doctors endorsed Sen. Sanders’ plan during the 2016 campaign.

    • Many doctors and nurses are terrible managers! The truth is our system is based on profit. A medicare for all system would close many medical facilities and lay many healthcare workers off! The mainstream Medical and Nurses associations are like unions ran by liberal at the top. It doesn’t represent the members very well in political opinion. I am an advanced practice nurse and know many pro Trump Doctors!

    • I’ve been laid of twice by a hospital that closed due to no profit. Have worked in two in the past few years that closed. For Profit hospitals will close when they don’t make money. Why do top notch hospitals advertise? Because they are after the paying patients with insurance. They are not recruiting no pay, medicare, or medicaid patients. I have worked in 5 states at over 30 facilities as a travel provider. Hospitals and facilities vary a lot based on profits or not. You have to work in them to really know that. A facility has to be extremely efficient and do great volume to make money on medicare only. Most aren’t that efficient! Many will close if we feel the Burn!+angela bluebird60

  5. Not just inhumane but criminal !!! People are dying for the Insurance companies. Not just criminal but Private health care is like TED BUNDY!!!

  6. The first video featured one doctor. I saw comments below it asking for more. Thanks, Bernie & Team, for adding more doctors’ voices to this and for always listening (and responding) to our voices as well. Vive la Revolution!

  7. A profitable Insurance company does not write policies guaranteeing (Life. Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness:) Only the Constitution of the United States does that. People opposing Medicare for all, are literal opposing the Constitution and many wont/don’t realize it until they are sick and dying. Respectfully submitted

    • Yes, then they will close and take their investment dollars to another for profit industries. I have worked in county not for profit hospitals and their is no comparison of facilities. I have personally worked at two community hospitals that closed due to no profit. Be careful what you wish for!

  8. Medicare for All!
    Call your Reps and Senators and demand they cosponsor Medicare for All not any half measure. #MedicareForAll

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