A Community Conversation on the Next Steps for Medicare for All

Our Revolution President Nina Turner will join health care experts in helping us map out our next steps in the struggle for Medicare for All.

Our Revolution of Central Iowa, Iowa CCI, Women's March Iowa, and the Polk County Democratic Party Medicare for All Task Force are coming together to launch the next phase in the fight for Improved Medicare for All in Iowa. Nina will be addressing the gathering via the internet live.

We won an important victory last week but our work is far from over. We must continue to organize until healthcare is a right for everyone.

A Community Conversation on the Next Steps for Medicare for All

4 thoughts on “A Community Conversation on the Next Steps for Medicare for All

  1. Medicare for all is the best option. Some are not able to afford private health care insurance and if their job does not provide it then they’re not able afford it.

  2. “We have universal health care in the UK. The NHS is 99% funded by income tax of which just over 30 million tax payers contribute with the vast majority are in a 20% tax bracket. It is 10% of our GDP, yours I believe is over 17% yet we are all covered – all 65 million of us. I pay in £750 of my income tax into the NHS my wife £958. The Government take in the tax and distribute it to regional centres for health care to spend it. The US can do some form of universal health care or single payer which will cover all and be much cheaper. My grandson was born free at no cost and has all health costs covered until he goes out to work. Or if he has no work he is still covered. Everyone is covered and we have a higher life expectancy than you do and no-one goes bankrupt due to health bills. We just worry about getting better and don’t worry how much it costs. Our system is not perfect but it works pretty well, best overall in the world in a recent survey. Your system sucks as you were bottom of the table. You can afford it.”

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