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The Humanist Report (THR) is a progressive political podcast that discusses and analyzes current news events and pressing political issues. Our analyses are guided by humanism and political progressivism. Each news story we cover is supplemented with thought-provoking, fact-based commentary that aims for the highest level of objectivity.
#HumanistReport #THR #MikeFigueredo
Cory Booker is very serious about Medicare for all just ask T-Bone!
Who the hell is T bone?
He is still Cory Hooker and BIG PHARMA is still one of his john’s
That’s not nice. Real hookers bring the world joy.
+Peace Walker Booker brings joy to big pharma.
+Peace Walker fucking hilarious
Two kinds of people you can never trust
Bought and paid for shills
And cultists
Almost everyone is in a cult. The cult of consumerism
Duh! We knew that already Mike.
He’s gonna be curb-stomped so hard.
Watchn American history x bit too much there maybe
+Bitsof Bytes Nah, I just like the term.
+Christian Vennemann goodluk w that yo
Cory Booker “loves” Charter Schools and Betsy Devos.
Her name sux.. Why did u post it ha…jk. So search spectrum health’ and alpha bank” transactions.. Trvmp. Yup. More crazy rvssia blakwatr rip off shyte imho
+Lou G $$$$$$$$$$&?bs
+Lou G Charter Schools are just an excuse for private theft of public school funding, hence Billionaire Republican plutocrat Betsy Devos is all about it, along with sellout corporatist stooge Cory Booker.
I voted for the prick. There was nobody else. I only did it for the Democrat number count.
Tulsi seriously needs help right now because Booker and Harris has been getting wall to wall coverage. She had an awesome speech Saturday and it has gotten no traction by the mainstream media.
howdydutt1e Maybe She should drop an F bomb then they will smear her and it will help her
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Let Tulsi get buried. Bernie Sanders is the only way.
+Statutory Grape she is not anti war. Too much dumb in your blood.
+Johnny Lira
Yes she is. She’s anti regime change wars. What planet are you living in?
Cory- the PHARMA HOOKER- Booker
He is using the Hillary Clinton playbook to the letter. Dance to the left until after the primary then dance back to the right for the general election. Obama did it with perfection.
Corey Booker is just Obama without the charm
Cory Booker runs as fast as he can to the Right to appease donors and Democrats. Then he slowly one step moves left to trick Progressives. And since he is made of glass and many Progressives can see thru his bs he quickly runs Right again. He is useless to Progressives and def going the wrong direction.
I’m enraged that my beloved Home State has such a corporatist repressing us. New Jersey and America deserve better
Establishment Dems keep giving reasons not to support them. They really are trying to give Trump another term.
Cory BIG PHARMA Brooker
Can they both just go away!
He literally has zero chance at defeating Trump. He’s a shill. End of story.
Talking to the wrong people then, Cory, if EVERYBODY you talked to wants to keep it.
Kamala Harris Cory Booker Kristen gillibrand they’re all phonies on the same boat all full of s***
There are very few people who signed onto Bernie’s Med4All who are actually for it