What is Medicare Effective Date ?

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What is my Medicare Effective Date?”
We get this question a lot from folks. So here are some guidelines but for your specific situation you’re going to see your Medicare effective date on your Medicare card. If you are just turning 65 in general, your effective date can be the first of the month you turn 65. The assumption here is that you have notified Medicare that you will start Medicare. You can do this by calling in (800) 772 -1213, or going online. Here is that website www.ssa.gov/medicare. You can also go into the local Social Security office. You have a 7 month window of time as a general standard. It will include the 3 months before your birthday, your actual birthday month and then 3 months after your birthday month. Now, if your birthday falls on the first of the month, then your effective date could be the first of the month for the previous month.
Now if you are already getting Social Security benefits they usually sign you up automatically and send you the card in the mail. If you don’t receive your card the month before you turn 65, give them a call to follow up. The effective day is going to be the 1st day of your birthday month that you turn 65 unless your birthday is on the 1st day of the month and then it’s going to be the 1st of the previous month.
Effective date if Changing Medicare Advantage or Drug Plans
Now if you make any changes to your Medicare Advantage or your drug plan that has to be done between October 15 and December 7. Your effective date after those changes will be January 1st. You could be tired of Medicare Advantage and want Original Medicare along with a Medicare Supplement. Or you might have someone reviewing your drug plan to be certain that you are on the most cost-effective plan. Any new drug plans would start January 1st as well.
Always check your Medicare card you’re going to see your effective date on there but these are some guidelines for you in Medicare. Thank you for checking out What is my Medicare Effective Date. If you have any questions at all please feel free to give us a call at (888) 506-7510. Or if you are like so many folks in Medicare who feel it’s just so much information and so confusing have a look at our 6-Part Medicare mini-series. You’ll find that at www.GetMedicareSavings.com.


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