This video I go over the turning 65 Medicare top 5 mistakes. 1-800-663-5707
When turning 65 and going on Medicare there are many things to consider when thinking about your Medicare benefits and weighing all of your Medicare Supplement options and your Medicare Advantage options. People can make a lot of mistakes when choosing the best Medicare Supplement plan or the best Medicare Advantage Plan to fit their needs. We put together some of the biggest mistakes people make when they sign up for Medicare and are picking a Medigap plan or Medicare Part C Plan.
The first mistake a lot of people make when they are turning 65 and going on Medicare is they wait too long to learn about Medicare Part A, Medicare Part B, Medicare Part C, Medicare supplement plans, and Medicare Advantage plans.
The second top mistake people make is they don't get Medicare Part B when they are first eligible. They wait because they think they will save money if they don't use it and they don't need it. The problem is that if you wait to take part b you could be penalized when you finally do sign up at a later date. So get part b when you are first eligible unless you have other creditable coverage.
The third big mistake people make when they are turning 65 Medicare is they purchase the most expensive plan. They do this thinking this will be the best option because it costs the most. This is not always the case. The best Medicare Supplement Plan may cost less than the most expensive one. The best Medicare Advantage plan for your specific needs may not be the most expensive plan available, in fact most times it is not the best way to go. So don't buy the most expensive plan. Do your research or call us!
The fourth mistake people make is that they listen to a friend or relative telling them that the plan they have is the best and it will be the best for you. Don't do this because everyone has different needs, the best medicare supplement plan for you may be different than the best plan for them. The best Medicare Advantage plan for them may be different from the best Medicare Advantage plan for you. You can call us for free help choosing a plan that best fits your needs. 1-800-663-5707
The fifth and biggest mistake that people make when they are turning 65 and going on Medicare is that they talk to the wrong agent. The best type of agent to talk to in order to get the best Medicare Supplement plan or the best Medicare Advantage plan is an Independent agent. At Medicare Saving Solutions we are independent agents, we represent all of the best Medicare Advantage plans and all of the best Medicare supplement plans. We help you find the best plan to fit your specific needs. If you are looking for the cheapest Medicare Supplement plan or Medicare Advantage plan we can help. If you are looking for the Medicare Advantage plan or the Medicare Supplement plan that covers the most we can help. Call us at 1-800-663-5707!
If you'd like to learn more about turning 65 and Medicare please check out our other informational videos!
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