Bernie Sanders to join Conyers for town hall in Detroit
Sen. Sanders to join Rep. Conyers at Detroit health care town hall on Aug. 22
Stabenow: Medicare at 55 plan a ‘win-win’
H.R.676 – Expanded & Improved Medicare For All Act
S.1782 – American Health Security Act of 2013 [BERNIE SANDERS]
Funding HR 676: The Expanded and Improved Medicare for All Act: How we can afford a national single payer health plan
Why This Isn't the Time for a Public Option or Medicare for Some
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The Cadis Evening (May 2016)
Paperback: 294 pages
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1533068194
ISBN-13: 978-1533068194
Author: Lee McQueen
Publisher: McQueen Press
Date: May 2, 2016
should i sneak in a sign?
Marcia, Marcia, MARCIA!!! I hope you’re able to get in to the townhall! I wish you and Michigan well.
*Hooray!* *The* *NEW* *Republican* *Health* *Plan* *is* *Here!*
Hooray! *Huge* *Tax* *Cuts* to the Billionaires! and silly little tax breaks for the sick and the injured! Hooray!!!
I have a kidney infection! Great! the new Republican Health Plan provides me a tax break instead of medical care!
My appendix just ruptured; Great! the new Republican Health Plan provides me a tax break instead of medical care!
My child has pneumonia; Great! the new Republican Health Plan provides my child a tax break instead of medical care!
I’ve got diabetes; Great! the new Republican Health Plan provides me a tax break instead of medical care!
I have cancer, Great! the new Republican Health Plan provides me a tax break instead of medical care!
I’m having a heart attack; Great! the new Republican Health Plan provides me a tax break instead of medical care!
My grandmother broke her hip; Great! the new Republican Health Plan provides her a tax break instead of medical care!
I have injuries from a car accident; Great! the new Republican Health Plan provides me a tax break instead of medical care!
I have the flu; Great! the new Republican Health Plan provides me a tax break instead of medical care!
I injured my neck in sports; Great! the new Republican Health Plan provides me a tax break instead of medical care!
Great! Just GREAT! Thanks to all You *Dumb* *Republican* *Voters* and Your Corrupt Millionaire Senators and Congressmen with Their Billionaire Lobbyists….
*THANKS* *A* *LOT!!!!!!!*
*Attention:* *Young* *People!* – THIS IS *YOUR* 1960’s. You are now living in a *transformational* time in the world.
The bad guys *(“the* *.1%”)* are trying to steal Your future; don’t let them get away with it. There are millions and Millions and *MILLIONS* of *Us* standing up and fighting back, demanding reform and change from the corruption of Wall Street and their corrupt Corporate Congress; Bernie Sanders’ message is the vanguard of the change that we (You) need. Stand With Us! You will understand this if You inform yourselves.
Take 5 minutes out of your week; Inform Yourselves!!! Go to Bernie Sanders’ website. Go to FightForTheFuture .org. Go to Citizen’s Oversight .org. Go to Thom Hartmann’s website. Go to PatrioticMillionaires .org. Look into Dr. Richard Wolff. GET MORE PERSPECTIVE!!! If you do not know what your choices are, then You have NO choices. Inform Yourselves with perspectives.
I lived through the the 1960’s; right NOW, this is like the 1960’s on STEROIDS!!! You have a tremendous opportunity for change; Good *OR* Bad, it’s up to YOU.
Spread the Word! Tell your friends, your family, your co-workers… the time is *NOW:* *GET* *IT* *ON!!!*