| (888) 465-9728 | email stephanie@abtinsuranceagency.com – Plan G and Plan N are two of the most popular Medicare Supplement Plans, and generally they offer some of the best value for your dollar.
Plan G covers almost all of the “gaps” in Medicare at 100%. The only thing it does not cover is the Medicare Part B deductible. For 2019, this deductible is $185/year. With Plan G, after you meet the Part B deductible of $185 all of your Original Medicare A and B costs are covered at 100%, so no copays, no coinsurance at the doctor or hospital after the deductible is satisfied.
With Plan N, just like Plan G, there is no coverage for the Part B deductible, so with Plan N you also have the annual deductible of $185/year. However, with Plan N after the deductible is met, you may be responsible for Co-pays at your provider and at the emergency room. Additionally, you’ll see that Medicare Supplement Plan N does not cover the Medicare Part B excess charges.
Excess charges are very rare, but they could possibly happen if you visit a provider who accepts Medicare but does not accept Medicare assignment. So, it is possible to see a doctor who accepts Medicare patients, but does not accept Medicare Assignment, or Medicare as “payment in full”. In this case, a doctor may charge you up to 15% above the Medicare Approved amount. These are Part B excess charges – and while Plan G covers them at 100% Plan N does not. Recent data estimates that 96% of Medicare doctors nationwide DO accept Medicare Assignment, so the chances are pretty low that you’ll get billed these excess charges. Additionally, in some states excess charges are actually illegal (Connecticut, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont.).
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I currently am in Plan F. I understand that I’m grandfathered in, but will that pool become higher risk as they age and therefore cause those rates to increase faster? If so, should I move to G or N in 2020? Or wait?
David, this is a question I get a lot. I would recommend switching away from Plan F and moving over to Plan G or Plan N soon, if you are able. After 2020, Plan F rates are expected to increase at a much higher percentage as it becomes a closed risk pool Plan. More information on that can be found here: https://youtu.be/NYtEUrHU2ys – Please feel free to email stephanie@abtinsuranceagency.com, or call me at (888) 465-9728. I’d be happy to get you some free quotes and let you know what it takes to switch your Medigap plan. Thanks for watching!
Hi Stephanie, is it better and safer to have a Supplement Plan N and Tricare? That way I can go to the VA and also Medicare facilities and doctors??
Jim, it will really depend on your specific situation. Please feel free to give me a call at 888-465-9728 and I’d be happy to explain your options in more depth, including the pros and cons!
This was such a help. Thank you very much. I am turning 65 in 4 months and this answered some important questions.
Bill Lane so glad you found it helpful! Let me know if you ever have questions or need assistance, I’d be happy to help.