This is the replay of the webinar for partners/shareholders/agents about the new PlanFinder tool from Medicare. Originally aired August 25, 2019.
Timestamp to important parts (these links should be clickable here)
20:50 Side by side comparison of the existing Legacy Plan Finder vs. the New Plan Finder
22:00 Narrowing down Medicare Advantage Plan Options using filters and the comparison tool
26:46 Part D (Prescription Drug Plans – Searching and Comparing plans)
29:32 Summary (Final Points)
Creating and Recovering Account Information Questions
31:11 Can you create a account without an Email Address?
31:30 Does creating an account on or on the Plan Finder automatically force people to receive only electronic Medicare Summary Notices (MSNs)?
31:58 How do you recover an account when both the Username and Password have been forgotten?
35:17 Do we ask the client and/or beneficiary for their Username and Password?
35:58 How often must passwords be changed?
36:20 Does the new Plan Finder limit drug lists?
37:00 Are provider networks included in the new Plan Finder?
38:05 Is it possible to sort plans by the lowest cost?
38:27 If you’re using the anonymous search, can you enroll in the plan that you select?
38:48 Can we use the existing Legacy Plan Finder during OEP?
39:30 If you don’t have a Medicare Number yet, how does it work?
40:00 With the current system, when you try to log in and something does not match (ex. Medicare Number or Zip) you cannot go forward in the process. Can you create a MyMedicare account if your current information doesn’t match what is on file?
40:38 Will SHIPs be able to maintain Usernames and Passwords?
41:19 If we have access to the Username and Password, what else do we have access to?
42:00 Is the Username/Password the same for MyMedicare as it is for the Plan Finder?
42:30 Does 1-800-Medicare also need the beneficiary to tell them their password?
42:53 Can the SHIPs use the same method as the Call Center?
43:20 If someone already has a MyMedicare account, do we have to use that one or do we make a new one?
43:49 If we do have trouble logging in, will we get stuck because the Medicare Card Number is the same as the previous account?
44:41: If you can create an account with no email, how do you do the recover if they forget their password?
45:30 What if you create an account and they don’t have an email, forgot their security questions, etc., can you create another account for someone?
46:03 Do Usernames need to be unique?
Part D Prescription Drug Plan Questions
46:47 The Legacy Planner included quantity limits on drug lists. Does the new Plan Finder have the same limit?
47:20 Are Part B drugs covered in the new Medicare Plan Finder?
47:56 For people that are in facilities (ex. Nursing homes), medication may need to be packed by a specialty pharmacy. How do you find a pharmacy that will do that?
48:56 In regards to drug names – will the brand name be to the side of a generic name?
49:23 Will all the drug list IDs and password dates be gone for open enrollment in 2020?
50:10 So all these years of work are gone once the new Plan Finder is implemented?
50:56 Once we’ve done an anonymous search, can we then create an account and save the data collected?
51:24 Where are you pulling these drug prices from? Some of those retail prices are crazy!
52:09 How many can you select or price in the new Plan Finder?
52:40 Can you find which pharmacies are preferred in the new Plan Finder?
Medicare Advantage, Extra Help and Medicare Savings Programs Questions
53:51 Do you have links on the MA plan search that will pull up network providers?
54:19 Are the Duals Demonstration programs on the Plan Finder tool?
54:56 If the Medicare Plan Finder isn’t showing correct extra help information, can we force it through?
55:45 How often will the LAS and extra help data be updated?
Medicare Supplement Questions
55:59 Where do the costs for Medigap plans come from? How frequently are they updated?
56:35 What about the waiver states for Medigap policies?
57:11 Can you enroll in a Medigap plan from the new Plan Finder?
Medicare Plan Finder Questions
58:01 How quickly can the Medicare Plan Finder be updated?
58:42 How does the live WebChat work?
59:27 At what point is the information you’re entering saved in the Plan Finder?
59:51 Are MSA plans included in the Medicare Plan Finder?
1:00:13 Will drug prices be more accurate in the new system than in the old?
1:02:02 Why the rush? Why does the new Medicare Plan Finder have to be the only option available during open enrollment?
1:03:11 Are there links to the Pharmaceutical Assistance programs?
1:03:29 Are you pushing MA plans when you list the types of Medicare options to choose from? MA is the first option, not PDP.
Yess! Thank you Chris!!