Medicare Supplement Plan F-HD is the best value Medigap Plan for Florida residents new to Medicare.
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There is a Medicare Supplement plan designed specifically for this kind of market, but few insurance brokers or agents will tell you about it because the commission they earn is one-half to one-fifth that of other products. That Supplement is Medigap Plan F-HD. or Medicare Supplement Plan F High Deductible.
To understand the value of Medigap Plan F-HD let’s take a quick look at the three Medicare Supplement plans that are most often considered by Florida residents.
This table illustrates the benefits of each of the eleven different Medicare supplements available to you. The names of the plans are across the top, with the asterisk here referring to Plan F-High Deductible. For example Medicare Supplement Plan A, Plan B, Plan C etc. The categories of benefits covered are along the left hand column. And the amount of the benefit is listed as a percent.