Medicare 101: Medicare Part C :


A Medicare Advantage plan is not a Medigap plan. It has been called a Medicare Supplement plan but it is completely different from the Medigap plans. You can find all the information you need including a list of Medigap companies with plans and prices at An Advantage plan or Medicare Part C plan is a private health insurance provider that covers your Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B benefits. Its actually a private insurance company that takes you off original Medicare and puts you on their Medicare Advantage plan to give you all of your health benefits. Medicare advantage plans are HMO's, PPO's, Private fee for service plans, Special needs plans (SNP), and Medical savings account plans. There are many differences with the Medigap plans and the advantage plans but it is easy to distinguish one from the other. The plans of Medigap are plans that are lettered such as Medicare Plan F or Medigap Plan F. There are 10 Medigap plans from the Modernized Medigap plans of 2010. They are Medigap plans A,B,C,D,F,G,K,L,M,N, The most confusing is probably Medigap Plan C. This is because people confuse it with Medicare "Part" C. There are Plans which are Medigap, and Parts which are government plans. The Medicare advantage plans or Medicare Part C, can have a prescription plan tied to them and they are called MAPD plans. Where I live outside of Philadelphia in Pennsylvania, Blue Cross has a Keystone 65 Medicare advantage plan, Bravo, Coventry, Geisenger, Aetna, AARP and several others such as Humana have Advantage Medicare plans. If you are looking at Part C plans you want to look with a broker because they can show you different options at the same price as going direct to the comapny. Go to and look at prices and plans.

2 thoughts on “Medicare 101: Medicare Part C :

  1. Medicare Part C is the Medicare advantage plan and the annual enrollment
    period is in October. Many people get it confused with Medigap plan C which
    is a cheap Blue Cross Medigap plan.

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