Corporate Democrat Ruben Kihuen of Nevada's 4th district recently learned that he's being primaried by a real progressive named Amy Vilela, who is challenging him namely due to his unwillingness to cosponsor John Conyers' 'Medicare for All' bill (H.R. 676). Now that he has an opponent that STRONGLY supports H.R. 676, he's trying to make himself look better by obfuscating and outright lying about John Conyers' bill. In this segment, we call him out for the misinformation he's deliberately spreading, and tell you how you can help support his opponent.
Source: Full Facebook Live Town Hall With Ruben Kihuen:
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The Humanist Report (THR) is a progressive political podcast that discusses and analyzes current news events and pressing political issues. Our analyses are guided by humanism and political progressivism. Each news story we cover is supplemented with thought-provoking, fact-based commentary that aims for the highest level of objectivity.
Dude- he can’t be wishy-washy on single-payer AND have Villela primarying him. He *will* lose.
And people who get insurance from employers *STILL* pay for it and have outrageous co-pays, premiums, co-insurance and deductibles. You got it, Mike.
Single-payer is the solution!!!!!!!!!
He is getting paid to run the campaign in this way. If he loses, his backers will definitely make the risk he took worth it.
He will get paid even if he loses, for the effort to maintain the status quo.
Exactely – but if more and more lose their seats the donors will not finance enough golden parachutes for everyone. And the sellouts becom eincreasingly useless for the special interests. Maybe the come up with something for the big shots in the parties but not for everyone. Labour in the UK shows that effect. The Labour Members of Parliament (many of them) subverted the Party leader directly elected by the base.The governing Tory party called a snap election last April – they thought it would be a landslide win, that they could expand their slim majority. Nope, on the contrary they lost the absolute majority and Labour won seats. – But before, the media, and every establishment figure, everyone – except the Labour base – was convinced Labour would be slaughtered, that would have meant a number of MPs losing their seat. – And let’s face it, these folks invest in their political career when others citizens build their professional life. What are they going to do, when no one gives them a job ? Starting a biz ? (I mean a real and productive one , not some consulting/lobbying scam). Being self employed or an entrepreneur i’s not everyone’s cup of tea – although it would be a worthwhile experience for them.
to their great relief they could keep their seats and then some – and it is very satisfying to watch how they have become tame and do not backstab their progressive leader every chance they get. They were really scared to lose, and not everyone is a big number.
In Europe the campaigns are (mostly) publicly funded, there are fairness rules for TV, caps how much may be spent on TV ads, etc. European politicians are still almost as much captured by special interests as the U.S. politicians who are openly bought by the donors.. The reason is the dilemma – what is an ex-politican going to do. you can lose an election, or get burn-out, or just want to do something else. – and some just want to make much more money than was ever possible with a political position. – In all these cases it pays really off to think of the interests of Big Biz while in office – they have the cushy jobs as backup or as reward.
Just another self-serving sell-out. I’m sending money to Amy!
Me three!
Spread the word! #MedicareforAll
I fucking volunteered for the dem party and my camp leader didnt tell me why rubin khuien should be voted for
Really? For who?
orlando greene can’t trust them Jews!!
Huevo Duro702 I am jewish
+orlando greene
Simply awesome. Not that anti-Semites aren’t extremely fun, but, that seems to me to have been the ultimate burn. Props.
Huevo Duro702 . Except Bernie… Your leading upload is literally, how to give blowjobs! Wtf! Lol
Single payer will not happen in America. Get over it.
Lou G You remove the middle man, the health insurance industry, and pay higher taxes if necessary to pay for your health care. Your doctor is paid by the government instead of health insurance. If you look up a handy little military healthcare called Tricare, you’ll find that this is socialized medicine.
Happens for Congressman and Senators
Ask yourself why they’re keeping it to themselves if we have the “better” system.
Lou G It seems highly possible. It is certainly gaining ground. I thunk it’s just a matter of time. Just my opinion
Ha ha think not thunk
I’m just like 5 miles off from his zone, so I can’t vote against it!
Huevo Duro702 we can…and we will
I am in his zone I will vote against him. I emailed him a couple of months ago asking why he won’t back HR 676 when his platform was all about expanding healthcare. I got some BS reply about how the republicans are trying to take away the ACA and that we need to stand strong to defeat them. Coward. I will be reaching out to Amy to volunteer for her campaign.
I, too, am in his district and will be voting for Amy Vilela!!!
I’m in his zone. But we could sure use the help. We need volunteers. Join us if you can and sign up to volunteer at
M Arizala already signed up to volunteer. Look forward to working together 🙂
has anyone looked into how much money we spend paying our congressmen and senators? what if we made those unpaid volunteer positions where they get paid in experience and the chance to serve the american people?
could we use the money we save by not paying our elected officials a salary to give everyone healthcare?
D G what if you made a law that if you become an elected official, all your bills are deferred until after your term is up, also would need term limits on positions.
So turn them all into student interns, or make them all get paid minimum wage. Yeah, that’d have my vote.
they work like less than 6 months out of the year and definitely less than 10 hours a day. they can get a second job and work that second job while volunteering in office as an unpaid civil servant. the job shouldn’t be for those who have and can make the most money-it should be for those most willing to do it properly. the job is to serve the american people both in your district and across the nation-if people are looking for a high paying career, they should look elsewhere.
Mike, I wish a wider audience could hear you. You speak truth. You make sense. Yet, these liars have the stage.
My Democratic Rep. won’t endorse HR 676 either.
Vote them out!
When are you going to cover Dan Kildee’s ridiculous excuse?
I can’t believe I voted for this guy.
Be sure to like her Facebook page and tweet her. She will be having a series of town halls wanting to hear from other community members.
…not just vote him out, fund Amy Vilela campaign, make calls on her behalf, knock on doors. It’s time to take out the trash.
staomeel i contributed to her…from Oregon .
Get a job lazy stoned Bernie free stuff bums
Look at how much is being spent on war. THAT has ALREADY bankrupted the country. Single-payer healthcare, on the other hand, will SAVE MONEY because it is both CHEAPER and BETTER.
Also, those bank bailouts from establishment dems and reps are “free stuff.”
I’m Canadian and I want to send her money!
Jay Boz please do so.American progressives need as much help as they can get
Your a loser if you can’t figure out how to rip off the govt. of the people. Many do but much don’t bother trying and to the ambitious crook goes the spoils. Spoiled genes inhabit the human genome is the only explanation for such systemic corruption at every intersect of import and optimal potential for good progress.
Government fucks up everything it touches. Tell you what — you pay for your healthcare, I’ll pay for mine.
I loved sending money to Amy…I feel empowered.