In this video I explain the basics of Medicare, or Medicare 101 if you will.
Nurses & midwives joined the Save Medicare group and other unions for a street theatre event, signaling the start of the race to stop $650 million
Técnicas para la movilización de un paciente de hospital en silla de ruedas para posicionarlo en la cama, utilizando dos cuidadores y las ayudas té
This details the hidden truth about Aetna Company and their abusive practices on Medicare recipients.
The High & Low of the Aetna Plan are given.
Técnicas para la movilización de un paciente de hospital encamado para sentarlo en una silla o butaca, utilizando dos cuidadores y las ayudas técni
Special guest Brien Welch from CSG Actuarial joins us for a tour of our Medicare supplement quoting tool. It’s free for agents appointed with AIM.
This is the same video on Medicare Supplements, but with higher volume.
Turning 65 on Medicare | Choosing the right Medicare benefits
Hi, Michael Ferrara with The #1 Authority on Medicare Benefits and your watching this vi
MACRA: New Directions for Medicare Physician Payment
Friday, May 20, 2016
The Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA) repealed th
32 years ago Bob Hawke and Labor introduced Medicare. Still the envy of the world. Still worth fighting for.
For more information log on to
News Across Nigeria: Dalori Camp Gets Free Medicare
President of Affordable Medicare Solutions, Keith Nabb, discusses the main issues when signing up for Medicare coverage.
For more information log on to
Nigerian Navy Gives Medicare In Yakurr LGA
This video provides an overview of Medicare and Medicare Supplement insurance plans, and which plan is best for you.
– ¿Los costos de sus recetas médicas están cubiertas? Aquí es donde el Plan D puede ayudar a los beneficiarios de Medicare.
– La guía gratis de los Planes de Medicare y sus opciones incluyen información sobre los Planes de Seguros Complementarios.
We share how Medicare works, and explain all of the options available to you.
The pros and cons of keeping your insurance plan when you turn 65 vs applying for Medicare and going into a supplement.
For two years, my father was on dialysis. Those were tough years. When I got a client on dialysis, I wanted the best for him.
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Are you looking for a Medicare plan? Humana HMO options have changed from the plans you might remember. Visit to learn more.
Medicare Advantage 101