Jordan Chariton reported on Bernie Sanders again being smeared by the Washington Post. SUPPORT this reporting contributing to the new Status Coup Reporting GoFundMe!
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Bernie Sanders' Push for Medicare For All Compared to "Build the Wall" by Washington Post
One helps ensure that people get care for their health. The other spends tons of money building something we already have! And it wouldn’t even keep everyone out anyway!
BUILD A WALL!…of healthy Americans to keep out corrupt politicians from our government. Vote OUT these people who DON’T want you to have Medicare for all.
What was the name of this article?
Great vid Jordan! 🙂
so how will bernie pay for his “free” day care? or his jobs program? how is keeping illegals out anti mexican?
bernie’s medicare plan saves 2 trillion IF every1 accepts medicare’s lower payment rates.
i support neither party but these are examples of bias on the left, proving youre no better than the right. get past this. start with main video on to learn real karma, real Dharma and wisdom.
I believe in you
Federal Jobs Guarantee > UBI
In addition to Jordan’s remarks, look over the economic perspectives of Progressive Economic Professors – L. Randall Wray – Stephanie Kelton – Michael Hudson – William Black. There are plenty of You Tube videos by them, not to mention their intriguing books on Modern MonetaryTheory (MMT) including Fiat Money, Govt spending, the Federal Reserve, etc.
good job knowing about the Fed.
but this video ain’t great. like how will bernie pay for his “free” day care? or his jobs program? how is keeping illegals out anti mexican?
bernie’s medicare plan saves 2 trillion IF every1 accepts medicare’s lower payment rates.
i support neither party but these are examples of bias on the left, proving youre no better than the right. get past this. start with main video on to learn real karma, real Dharma and wisdom. the channel has a good video on money and the Fed too.
We need both
Just because you signed up to be a public servant does not mean that harassing or stalking someone is now suddenly legal just because you’re not being violent towards them.
So just let them keep running and hiding then?
I don’t like the way the establishment Democrats are trying to discourage Bernie from running, they say he is to old and they want to put someone else up to run against trump but there are people older than him working in the house & Senate like Dianne Feinstein of CA.she’s in mid 80,s
+Gina Ronyak I don’t know about the average age of American people but I think it’s more like 65-85 for the House & Senate lol but there are ones older than Bernie. One thing Bernie would have on his side is experience and wisdom. I recently read an article in Politico where someone said , Bernie should throw in the towel and that he shouldn’t run and let others have a chance that are younger like Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and Cory Booker and that Bernie s staff are looking for other future campaign’s…did not sound good he made it sound like Bernie gave up on the idea but it does not sound like something Bernie would do.
Sanders said some contractors might lose jobs because he is so honest and now the contractors are scared
He should specify which ones and why and see if he has another jobs plan for them
Jordan, don’t you know? Every other country has a wall… oh wait.
so how will bernie pay for his “free” day care? or his jobs program? how is keeping illegals out anti mexican?
bernie’s medicare plan saves 2 trillion IF every1 accepts medicare’s lower payment rates.
i support neither party but these are examples of bias on the left, proving youre no better than the right. get past this. start with main video on to learn real karma, real Dharma and wisdom.