Senator Elizabeth Warren questioned Rep. Tom Price, nominee for Secretary of Health and Human Services, about his support of Medicare and Medicaid cuts at a HELP Committee hearing on January 18, 2017.
Senator Elizabeth Warren questions Tom Price about Medicare and Medicaid Cuts
look when those who get screwed over the first question I will ask is this. Did you vote for the GOP and Trump. If the answer is yes to either one or both! I will say suck it up butter cup you got what you voted for…
You’re a hero, Elizabeth. Thank you!
Blake A. Kiessling Is this nutty blue eyed , blonde haired beast still lying about being an injun to get special privileges .
She should be embarrassed and is FKN pathetic
John John it was great yesterday watching Trump have the balls to dog the FK out of O Bummer,
For how useless he was , while he sat right there. Ha ha Buh Bye O Bummer
Go Elizabeth! We love you!
Thank you Senator Warren!!!
I love how Senator Warren always has the numbers, but the person she is questioning never does.
Just as she always seems to have good questions but the questionee seldom seems to have good or any answers.
Usually no answers haha.
I love this woman!
mebuggzs Is this nasty blue eyed , blonde haired beast still lying about being an injun to get special privileges ?
FKN pathetic
Thank you Senator Warren.
Get em Elizabeth!!!..
Jebus, you right-wing loons must be terrified of Elizabeth Warren. I’m _so_ glad to know she scares you that much. Or scares your handler, at least.
Of course, you’re not smart enough to use anything but labels. But then, if you had two brain cells to rub together, you’d be _supporting_ Sen. Warren, not trolling her, huh?
the guy beside Senator Warren looks like a 1 year old trying to understand why He has to eat his green beans.
The bleached blonde frizzy haired tnuc behind Tom Price looks at him like she’s on the meter from the Diamond Services escort agency. He must’ve been so nervous going in front of Warren he had to have a blow job to settle is greedly little insider trading mind. Swamp, meet gator #9 of Trump’s cabinet.
DykeZuki Is this nutty blue eyed , blonde haired beast still lying about being an injun to get special privilege ?
She should be ashamed and is FKN pathetic
“She is the only person holding people accountable for their actions, morality and ethics.” Weelll… there’s a few others. But they are few and far between, yes.
it wasn’t Wall Street… that’s misdirection…. EXACTLY the same as blaming Iran for Saudi Arabia’s Waahabism… or Leonardo DiCaprio pointing at Greenland and Indonesia instead of Larsen B & C. it was mostly AIS and other derivative issuers that brought the house down…. not banks.
Elizabeth Warren for President!!
Sock it to ’em, Senator Warren! The truth hurts these liars.
That’s not a scientific standpoint… Dude was obviously prepped with these talking points, has no spine to actually admit what he’s doing.
Luis Niebla oh poor poor Louie , you mock what you will never understand
You haven’t betrayed understanding anything in this comment section, fake american, Russian intern.
I love her.
emberchord Is this nasty blue eyed , blonde haired beast still lying about being an injun to gain specail privileges ?
FKN pathetic
Has she actually gained any special privilege?
So close have the first Indian Vice President.
skindeepchinese you do know that’s a lie right
Please run for president!
Lol no sanders will be 80, Trump is the oldest president in history at the age of 70
Balling Like I’m Tobe who does Bernie have changing his diapers these days ?
whoa that would be a visual abuse, bigly
What is the point of these hearings if the senators can’t or won’t just SAY NO to the UNQUALIFIED NOMINEES? #SayNoToBadNominees
Cynthia n/a Anything the irrelevant Democrats do does not matter Cindy.
President Trump OWNS all three branches of federal government and he
will be picking your Supreme Court for at least the next 8 years.
Losers are going to have to turn in their O Bummers phons for alarm clocks
and get jobs.
real american That doesn’t answer my question.
real American Do you have a job? Aside from fucking your sister?