Rep. Jayapal Outlines New ‘Medicare for All’ Bill

Feb.28 — Rep. Pramila Jayapal, a Washington Democrat, discusses the "Medicare for All" bill, one of the most ambitious efforts to overhaul the country’s health system and replace it with one where the federal government pays for nearly all care services. She speaks with Bloomberg's David Westin on "Bloomberg Markets: Balance of Power."

Rep. Jayapal Outlines New 'Medicare for All' Bill

36 thoughts on “Rep. Jayapal Outlines New ‘Medicare for All’ Bill

    • +john scimeca Medicare was a bad experience for my brother’s foster
      child. It did not provide the care he
      needed. I am not going to get into
      it. But it ended horribly. It has left
      me with a not so favorable opinion
      That has nothing to do with my
      state of mind. DO NOT get hostile
      with me. Until you knows someone’s
      backstory do not threaten people.

    • Simple and true philosophy: Patriotic and honest lawmakers always work for public interests (of the majority of American people – 99 %) – Greedy cowards and political puppets just work for their own pockets and dishonest crony, and bosses bts…

  1. An awful lot of the people complaining about the idea Medicare-For-All in general don’t even seem to grasp the difference between the public sector taking over the payer function and the public sector taking over actual medical employment services. This is what happens when you have a corporate media that employs millionaires to spread disinformation to middle, working, and poorer classes. Getting them all to fight amongst each other while the insurance, hospital, and big pharma execs and mega-corporations sneak out the back window with the loot sacks.


    1. Trump’s Tax scam
    2. Bushes tax farce
    3. The endless wars that were supposed to conclude many years ago
    4. The mass expansion of the incarceration state and neverending drug war
    5. Mass deregulation of banking and financial sectors

    don’t tell me America cannot afford to do what virtually every other first world nation does. Sadly that is the vision of the modern oligarch. A few living in platinum palaces safe from the havoc they contribute to. While almost everyone else drives on roads that look like they belong in a third world nation. Loses everything they spent decades working for to a health emergency. And eventually cannot even afford to educate themselves well enough to realize what a raw deal they are really getting.

    • +Matt Rogers We have the ability to fix it. Just not the will. Not when the general public seems more concerned about number of like or the next shiny object that does everything.

    • ​+Kenneth : GOP lawmakers undoing their own states ballot initiatives is happening and has happened. Clicks or not don’t change that.

      Similar story with the GOP choosing to focus virtually all their economic efforts toward their big donor types. And the third way style Dems kneeling and selling out as well.

      Both had their chances to really step up and at least show good faith to the public in general to address healthcare or any number of other problems. Both have generally been shown to be wanting.

    • Matt Rogers – Excellent points. I lean libertarian on most political issues, but I’m all in on Medicare For All because the numbers work and so does the plan. Jayapal tells the facts as they are. Many times libertarian polices, without proper government oversight/intervention, are giveaways to the corporate elites, and having parasitic healthcare insurance oligopolies is definitely one such case.

    • Public Citizen in Washington D.C. said : “By eliminating the health insurance industry, we save $350 billion a year in administrative costs and profits.”

  2. For-profit medical stocks plunged. A great sign that the foxes in the henhouse know they don’t have any excuse to keep ripping off the American people. While there jerks make few billion holding the rest of us under a barrel, there are terrible costs to our well-being, as well as trillions (if you care about the numbers) in cost-overuns, productivity, innovation, and mobility as workers are afraid to change jobs or start their own businesses. Supply-demand economics never made sense in health care where there is potentially infinite demand and ability to exploit maximal profit for minimal service. If you walk into a doctors office with a knife in your back, it makes no sense some behind-the-scene Wallstreet speculators can force that doctor to charge you whatever the “market will bear” to take it out.

  3. Please pass this bill! Medicare works, this will too. It works in other countries, with high life quality standards! Politicians wonder how this would be paid, but they don”t seem to wonder how military expenses, fighting and war would be paid.That’s easy to do, paying for the fighting for the interests of a few 1% Americans.

  4. No thank you. I love my freedom of choice that is the Constitution of America not government control. My mom and dad passed away. I don’t need another parent the government! No thank you!

    • Political puppets always work for their own pockets and bosses bts… Those Un-American politicians always try to destroy the American dignity by misleading the American opinion? Political puppets always try to destroy the American Dream of being equal in healthcare – these cowards did not know how many Universal healthcare nations are there on this earth … We tell you about 110 Universal healthcare nations in the world … Those are poorer than America… Americans are human…

  5. Wouldn’t it be prudent to study the cost and also the macro economic impact of putting huge publicly traded companies like anthem out of business?

    Since insurance is adding 30 percent more to the bills because of administrative costs, it seems logical to address the problem of insurance. Yet what’s the best way to fix these problems in the least disruptive way? What are some options?

    Shouldn’t major proposal changes take a look at the big picture in order to seek ways to mitigate negative effects and proceed prudently?

    • Like the negative effects the current system has had on millions of people vs negative effects on a corporation??? The exploitation of the sick and dropping them when they need it most. Is a immoral practice that needs to go period. No one else is offering any solutions because this is the solution the others that are in the insurance industries pockets just wont admit it.

  6. Anything govt touches goes way way way over budget and still doesnt deliver what the private sector can. Don’t believe me?Get a govt job after working in the same profession in the private sector.

  7. Good thing this is just a House bill. I can assure you the first stipulation will NEVER pass the Senate. Let the state medicaid programs deal with foreign nationals. Universal Medicare should be for AMERICANS period. VA and First Nations health services are a no brainer and where already part of the old HR 676. Since it’s a federally administered program the transition may not take as long as the ACA rollout which relied on state cooperation to get done. Paying out of pocket for prescription drugs is okay as long as you get the PBM’s out of the way for starters. Eliminating co-pays, deductibles, and premiums is the core of Medicare For All. If any bill claiming to be medicare for all does not include wiping out co-pays, deductibles, and premiums than it is simply NOT medicare for all. At that point it would be medicare for SOME.

  8. Every time gov get a hold a something everything goes up, you give yourself pay raises every yr then increase the taxes so you can get your raises next yr.from the working people. Obamacare went up with high ded. rents went up because of welfare etc. Why should working people pay for illegals immigrants and their babies for 18+ yrs? SS you pay into and have to wait until you are 62 yrs to collect.

  9. I am an advanced practice nurse and have to pay 1800 a month for my family plan with an 8000 deductible through the hospital I work at because I make a “higher salary.” With my student loans, saving for for my kids college, having to save for retirement due to the questionability of social security in 30 yrs I tend to wonder where my money goes every month. The system is broken and I see it first hand. Is this the answer? Who knows but it’s a move in the right direction. Your move GOP

    • Sounds like a lot . Now imagine paying 50% tax rate to pay for Medicare for all . You’ll wish you paid 1800$ a month .

  10. “medical benefits” means what? Does this cover hearing aids? does it cover compression stockings for edema? will it cover ENT/Audiology, and for those who choose to speak who are hard of hearing/deaf, will it cover speech therapy for those over 18 who need it to learn to speak more clearly?

    many doctors right now in Vancouver, WA do not accept Medicare. will this force them to accept Medicare, or would it mean those who have extra money will pay out of pocket for better quality doctors/dentists/optometrist? will this allow people on Medicaid/Medicare for All to use both when traveling out of state? Vancouverites are often referred to specialists in Portland, Oregon and they refuse our insurance as it is out of state.

    Also d/Deaf college students who attend the only colleges and the only university for the deaf will need to travel 6 months of the year to CA/NY/DC unless they live there, and will this allow them to use their state Medicare+Medicaid in the states they travel to school and keep them safely covered during the drive there through other states?

  11. First person to actually make me think it’s not a bad idea. Except the undocumented immigrants part. We need them documents pimp.

  12. The best idea to come out of congress in decades and it will truly restore competitiveness to American Business!

  13. Hold on ??? The government pays for everything??? No ! The people and wayyyyy higher taxes pay for this boondoggle!! Socialist/socialisim at it’s best!! Sound familiar! You wanna keep your doctor you can ? You wanna save money ? You can!!! All lies n lies n lies..but the idiots and lo information among us r just to lo information!!!!!

  14. I am a constituent of Harris. I have begged her in 7 letters to help me. I have Covered CA paid for by me and the State of CA. For 2 years Blue Shield has refuaed to pay 100s of thousands of dollars in medical bills. She and her office refuses to help me in any way. Trust me she cares about no one. I am her constituent with a solvable ptoblem if she would get involved but she wont lift a finger. If you are with the SANDERS, WARREN, or any other campaign i would gladly take your help if you care.

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