Medicare Supplement Insurance by 1-800-MEDIGAP®

What is Medigap? Medigap helps fill in the financial gaps where Medicare leaves off. In most cases Medicare pays about eighty percent of your medical expenses leaving you a gap, a MEDIGAP. A Medigap Plan focuses on out of pocket exspenses such as copayments, coinsurance, and deductibles of Medicare Part A and B! Medicare has several parts for coverage. Part A, Part B, Part C, And Part D. and the Medigap Plans. Once an individual turns 65 they may qualify for certain Medicare benefits and services. Medigap Insurance can start as soon as Part B coverage is in place. Medicare Part A helps cover against catastrophic events, in patient care in hospital, skilled nursing facility, hospice, and home health care. An average knee replacement, hip replacement or heart attack can cost you forty thousand dollars or more, in most cases leaving you with eight thousand dollars or more to pay. Medigap can help cover that risk for you. Medicare Part B helps cover doctors, and other health care provider services, hospital out patient care, durable medical equipment, and home health care. Also many preventive services to help maintain your health, and keep certain illnesses from getting worse. Part D medicare helps lower and cover your drug prescription costs. Lets not forget about Part C. Part C OR Medicare advantage health plan options run by medicare approved, private insurance companies, offer benefits and services covered in Part A, Part B, and usually Part D. Some of these ADVANTAGE plans may offer extra benefits for extra costs. And may offer maximum coverage with no need for additional supplement. But for those that do, get Maximum coverage with Medigap. Feel free to pause the video to view some basic Medigap plans available in your area.

Medicare Supplement Insurance can be a really important addition to your original medicare. Turning 65 is a milestone, it is a time for retirement and relaxation. Medigap can help rest your worries, and make that retirement dream come true. Feel free do not hesitate to talk to a licensed professional in Medicare Supplemental Insurance.

For detailed Medigap rates visit or call toll free 1-800-MEDIGAP. You can also visit our comparison and education center at .Thanks for watching.
The advertised websites and videos are not associated, endorsed or authorized by the Social Security Administration, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, or the Department of Health and Human Services nor do we claim to be. Medicare has neither reviewed nor endorsed this information.

Video, publisher, and owners are not associated, endorsed or authorized by the Social Security Administration, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, or the Department of Health and Human Services nor do we claim to be. Medicare has neither reviewed nor endorsed this information. This site contains basic information about Medicare, services related to Medicare and services for people with Medicare and is not connected with any Government. If you would like to find more information about the US Government Medicare program please visit the Official US Government Site for People with Medicare located at as things change all the time.

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